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How Top Pros Use "Go With What You Have" Mindset

Last Updated: September, 12 2024
How Top Pros Use "Go With What You Have" Mindset

It seems like all the talk amongst the touring pros these days is about this five-little-word mantra: "Go with what you have." According to sources on the PGA and LPGA circuits, legendary sports psychologist Brett McCabe has been preaching this go-to mindset to all his athlete clients. And judging by some players' recent results, it sure seems to be working!


We here at were curious what all the fuss was about, so we hit up Sam "Inside Access" Weinman over at Golf Digest to get the scoop. Sammy gave us all the deets on this "Go with what you have" movement in his latest podcast interview - you can check it out below if you want all the intimate insider intel.


But in a nutshell, going with what ya got just means playing the hand you're dealt on any given day. Sure, we'd all love to be banging drives down the center of the fairway and draining 30-footers without breaking a sweat. But as any tour pro (or club hack like me!) knows, that just ain't reality. Golf is finicky beast - some days you feel like Tiger, other days you're whacking it around like your old Grandpappy.


So rather than mope about not having their A-game, the pros who are "going with it" stay laser-focused on diagnosing exactly what they DO have in the bag that day. Hitting slaps and hooks off the tee? Aim way left then buddy and trust the miss. Chipping yips got you rattled inside 5 feet? Two-putt that sucker for sure.


Early results show it's a winning strategy. Young gun Patrick "P-Dub" Dobbs employed the method perfectly in his close win at the American Express just last month. And word is Lexi "Ice Queen" Thompson has never been playing more freely since letting go of expectations.


So whether you're a touring pro or weekend hack like me, it seems the wise move these days is to stop stressin' about what you ain't got and truly embrace what you do got. Golf is meant to be fun, even on the bad days, so "Go with it!" as McCabe says. I'll be giving it a try next time the slaps start a-flyin' - wish me (and my scorecard!) luck! Let me know if you try it out too. Until next time, this is Emily Park signing off!


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Alright folks, it's time to break down the steps to "Going With What Ya Got" in the simple way one of you amateurs can understand it. Based on all my intel from the inside professionals, here's how it breaks down:


1. Laser. focus. On. The. Ball


I know it sounds boring, but you really need to hone in on the nitty gritty details. Where does lil ballsy start from? How's she spinning? Where's she ending up? Going left of the fairway or in the rough every time? Figure that crap out.


Only once you've collected all the evidence can you...


2. Pull out your Sherlock Holmes hat!


It's time to problem solve like you're trying to solve who stole the cookies from the jar. So what you're thinning chips? Putt that mess instead. Hitting violent curves? Counter them muthas.


The key is assessing the clues you're given (your actual ball flight patterns) and then getting creative within your limitations. You may not be able to magically change into Tiger, but you CAN adapt your strategy based on the cards you're actually holding.




We've all had those magical days where our swing feels like butter and holes are dropping like it's nothing. But wake up call - amazing golf ain't guaranteed! That's just not how the stupid game works.


So when your A-Game decides not to show up to the party, that's your cue to put the waterworks away. I don't care how good you thought you were feeling coming into the round - golf just don't care about feelings!


The sooner you accept mediocrity may be the name of the game for a day, the more time you can spend finding ways to win with the crappy cards you've actually been dealt. No use crying over spilt par, amirite?


Don't get me wrong, a lil' pout after a bad break is okay. But then it's time to shut the pie hole and start problem-solving like your score depends on it. Gotta play the hand you're actually holding, not the one you wish you had!


4. Time to review our emergency first aid strategies when the wheels fully fall off!


  • Tee that sucker down - we all know the mighty driver can be more dreNGAYDIN than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Lower the ball and give yourself a chance.
  • Aim for them bushes! Sometimes the rough is downright forgiving. Who cares about perfect grass lines when you're spraying it eh?
  • Make like a windmill - we all know the ol' swing gets posty when pressure's on. CRANK that thing like arevved up lawnmower and give er hell!
  • Club up, pansies - most times when you lollipop it, she's bouncing forward not back. Throw an extra wedge in the bag and save par!
  • Putt from the fringe - we've all seen how those little devils can dance around the cup. Skip the dicey uphill chip and just roll it.
  • Lob that lappy - when in doubt, get that puppy airborne and softly on the ground. No use blasting across the green and off the map!


5. Celebrate the Little Wins


We all know golf can be downright maddening even on good days. So when you're REALLY in the dumps, it's important to remember victories come in all shapes and sizes.


Two-putted a hairy 15-footer for double? Frame that puppy and hang it in the man cave, cuzzo! Saved bogey from the trees thanks to an Houdini act chip? Buy yourself (and caddy) a cold one at the turn, you've earned it.


The point is, when your best ball-striking ain't showing face, you've still got to find ways to pat yourself on the back. This game will drag you through the mud if you let it, so you gotta manufacture positivity wherever you freakin' can on those junk days.


Remember lads - they can't take away your grin if you refuse to forget how to smile! Who says par has to be your standard? Own those small successes and feel good about simply giving it your all.


Attitude is everything in this game, so end on a high note even when the scorecard don't cooperate. You play like you practice - so practice celebrating! Now go show the world how it's done.

With a background in digital media and a passion for golf culture, Emily scours the internet and PGA/LPGA tour circuits for the most entertaining, shocking, and bizarre stories about professional golfers. She is skilled at curating viral golf content, from Instagram antics to tournament controversies, and turning them into shareable, humorous articles. Her readers appreciate her ability to find the fun and humor in the world of elite golf.

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