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Colgate Men's Lacrosse Team Go Wild For Golf Squad

Last Updated: September, 12 2024
Colgate Men's Lacrosse Team Go Wild For Golf Squad

In a very un-golf-like move, the entire Colgate men's lacrosse team showed up last weekend to raucously cheer on their fellow Raiders on the golf course. You read that right, a whole lacrosse squad came out to Seven Oaks Golf Club in Hamilton, N.Y. to create a wild atmosphere for the Colgate men's golf team.


Golf reporter and witness Gabby Herzig captured it all on video. When Colgate golfer Robbie Herzig sunk a clutch birdie putt on the 9th hole, all heck broke loose from the lacrosse dudes surrounding the green. They erupted into a full-on celebration, with jumping, chest bumping, the whole nine. Even one kid took a stab at "the worm" dance move, which will haunt your dreams, folks.



It gets even better - there was a second angle of the mayhem that's somehow even more ridiculous. These lax bros were clearly putting all their energy into hyping up the golf team. And it seems to have worked! Robbie Herzig went on to finish fourth overall despite a rocky start. Could this insane fan support from another sport have given the Raiders a true home course advantage?


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Get this - the Colgate hockey team has also been known to make an appearance at times. Apparently this is an annual tradition for them to come hang out and getturnt for their fellow athletes. We need to see more of this in college golf nationwide. Imagine football-sized student sections lining the fairways and exploding after an eagle? The viral videos practically write themselves.



Hats off to the Colgate men's lacrosse team for bringing the fun, fuego and flat-out foolishness to a staid country club sport. Golf could definitely stand to loosen up a touch! Let me know if your school's volleyball team wants to give it a go next season as well.



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With a background in digital media and a passion for golf culture, Emily scours the internet and PGA/LPGA tour circuits for the most entertaining, shocking, and bizarre stories about professional golfers. She is skilled at curating viral golf content, from Instagram antics to tournament controversies, and turning them into shareable, humorous articles. Her readers appreciate her ability to find the fun and humor in the world of elite golf.

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